Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory (Paperback / 4th Ed.)
저자 / Reitz 저
ISBN 100321581741
1. Vector Analysis.
2. Electrostatistics.
3. Solution of Electrostatic Problems.
4. The Electrostatic Field in Dielectric Media.
5. Microscopic Theory of Dielectrics.
6. Electrostatic Energy.
7. Electric Current.
8. The Magnetic Field of Ste
The Fourth Edition of this classic text on electricity and magnetism is now available in paperback format. This revision includes new worked examples and expanded problem sets, an increased emphasis on electromagnetic waves, and numerical problem solving using computer-generated algorithms.
Here are Key Features:
A solid foundation of basic experimental laws builds up gradually with more rigorous quantitative expositions.
An integrated macro- and microscopic discussion of electromagnetic theory is included.
An expanded set of worked examples helps students build their problem solving skills.
Expanded end of chapter problem sets now include computational questions using BASIC
Reitz 저Reitz 저자 : Reitz John R. Reitz (Ph.D., University of Chicago, 1949) was a member of the Theoretical Division of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory from 1949 to 1954, and a consultant to the Lab until 1964. He was a faculty member of Case Institute of Tec