Design of Machinery has proven to be a favorite of both students and educators across the globe. It is currently used in over 100 schools in the U.S. and Canada and in many more worldwide in both English and several other languages. The book is praised for its friendly writing style, clear exposition of difficult topics, attractive appearance, thorough and relevant coverage, its emphasis on synthesis and design, and its useful computer programs. The foremost goal of the author is to convey the art of the design process and the fundamentals of kinematics and dynamics in order to prepare students to successfully tackle genuine engineering problems encountered in practice. While both thorough and complete on the topics of analysis, the book also emphasizes the synthesis and design aspects of the subject to a greater degree than any other similar book on the market today. Analytical synthesis of linkages is covered and cam design is given a more thorough and practical treatment than in any other text. A new chapter covers cam- and servo-driven linkages. The DVD included with this text contains animated models of over 100 of the examples from the text. Students can open, run, interact, and modify these Working Model simulations. Student editions of seven custom programs for design and analysis of mechanisms: LINKAGES, DYNACAM, ENGINE, and MATRIX are also on the CD-ROM. Linkages is a new program that incorporates the older programs Fourbar, Fivebar, Sixbar, and Slider. (The programs with the book are limited functionality versions of the professional editions of the same programs available elsewhere on this web site.) Also included are many Matlab models for kinematic analysis. The DVD also contains 18 videos that provide tutorials on the book’s subject matter, use of the programs, and examples of real machinery in action. Two “Virtual Laboratories” are also provided on video along with lab assignments and actual data from the experiments so that students everywhere can virtually experience the same lab exercises used by the author at WPI.